Phillip MAYFIELD / 马惠礼

Phillip MAYFIELD was born in Adelaide, South Australia. He received a BA at the University of Adelaide with a thesis on the White Australia Policy, and a Bachelor of Divinity degree from the University of Melbourne. Supported by a Fulbright scholarship, he did an MA at Andover-Theological Seminary in Boston (now part of Yale University), with a thesis on Congregationalist minister Thomas Binney (1798-1874), a major influence on early Australian history. Later he attended Princeton Theological Seminary, working on 19th-century voluntary societies, and especially organizations active in Africa and Asia, such as the Colonial Missionary Society, the London Missionary Society, the YMCA, and the American Board of Commissioner’s for Foreign Missions. Phillip is currently an Evergreen student at Boston University, and is working for the CHCD to extract data from missionary diaries.