Online Workshop Announced, November 2020

On Thursday-Saturday, 19-21 November 2020 Boston University Center for Global Christianity and  Mission will host an online workshop with major financial support from the Boston University Institute on Culture,  Religion and World Affairs (CURA) & the Boston University Center for the Study of Asia (BUCSA).

Mapping Christianity in China, 1550-1950: Developing Relational and Geospatial Tools for the Study of Christianity in China

The China Historical Christian Database (CHCD) is a powerful new tool being developed for the study of Christianity in China. It is a geographic and relational database for Christian people, institutions, and events in China between 1550 and 1950. It maps where every church, school, hospital, convent, orphanage, and the like were located in China, and it lists the foreigners and Chinese people who worked inside them. By combining this geographic and relational data with an online tool, the project gives scholars and students the ability to view the dynamic nature of the Christian presence in China in a way that is both intuitive and innovative.

The Mapping Christianity in China Workshop is designed to meet two integral needs at this stage in the project’s development. First, it will bring together leading scholars and archivists from around the world to discuss how the CHCD can be transformative for the study of China and East-West relations. Second, the workshop will provide the opportunity to solidify international partnerships.

More information on speakers and presentations can be found on the digital program (updated 17 September 2020).